
Individualized Reading and Writing Instruction

For most of us, learning to read was an easy process. So easy so, that we don’t remember how we figured out ‘the code’. For others though, there is a barrier preventing the natural process to unfold. For these learners, specialized instruction is key to their success.

I use the Orton-Gillingham Approach when working with students with difficulties in reading and writing. The Orton-Gillingham Approach is based on the seminal work of Samuel T. Orton, who defined dyslexia in 1925, and Anna Gillingham, who compiled The Gillingham Manual.

I also draw on the LiPS – Lindamood Phoneme Sequencing Program program for those students who suffer from auditory processing difficulties. The success I have had with students using this program has been nothing short of life changing.

As all children are different, so are my recommendations for what each student needs. Some individuals will benefit from merely one session a week, while some others may need to start with a more intensive program.

Study Skills

‘Studying’ for many students is a vague term. Simply reviewing one’s notes often does not help students to better understand material they need to convey to teachers on exams, tests and papers. In my years of working as a resource teacher I worked with numerous students to help them discover their learning style to achieve greater levels of success and maximize their learning potential.

English as a Second Language

For children and adults interested in improving their English Language Skills I have years of experience working with a wide spectrum of learners helping them improve their spoken and written English.

If you are interested in my instructional services, feel free to contact me at

Kind regards,


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