What to expect

Expect Personal Service

You should expect personalized instruction. Simple as that.  Each learner is different, even when the labels we attribute to their difficulties are the same. The first step I take before working with any student is to properly assess their strengths and weaknesses. I look at decoding (reading), encoding (spelling) and comprehension. This not only lets me know where to begin with my instruction, but it also creates the start of the data that I will gather as we work together.

Expect Noticeable Gains

Measuring our gains is instrumental to me as an educator.  My instruction is driven by the gains that my students make. I have also found that being able to look back and see where they have improved can be inspirational for my students. Seeing themselves as learners is an incredible motivator and an essential aspect in building the child’s self-esteem as a learner.

Expect  an Individualized Program

Depending on your child’s needs, I can create the necessary materials or assignments.  By working together with the parents, I can adjust the work to allow the parents to support at a level that suits them and the child.

Expect to Move On

My objective is not to prolong the time I provide instruction, but to get my students reading.  The sooner they don´t need me, the better.

Sessions can take place in my office, the student´s school or your home. If you are interested in discussing how I can assist you or your child, please contact me at learn@cbtutoring.net.

Kind regards,



2 thoughts on “What to expect

  1. Olá Cristina, sou a Rita aqui das Trabalhias, estou a pensar em ir estudar para fora mas preciso muito de ter aulas de inglês, tenho andado a ver mas ainda não me inscrevi em sítio nenhum, encontrei o cbtutoring e achei que poderia ser uma grande ajuda para mim… Não sei se será possível ter aulas contigo porque não estou aí em Lisboa e tu agora com a época escolar deves vir cá muito menos vezes… Mesmo assim gostava de saber a tua opinião sobre qual a melhor escolha que eu devo fazer para conseguir dominar o inglês. Obrigada e um grande beijinho.
    Adorei a página :)

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